Sarah Williams serves people who love monogrammed and personalized items. As she got to know her customers and what they like, she turned her monogramming business into a one-stop gift shop. Over time, she realized that she could be providing monogrammed gifts through a subscription box service, built a site and a team, and launched Framed by Sarah. She experienced organic growth for nine straight months, then suddenly found herself with a decline in subscriptions and unsold inventory. However, a single piece of advice – and a slight change in her strategy that didn’t cost her anything to implement – almost instantly doubled her membership and provided her with greater income and freedom than ever before. Today, Sarah joins the podcast to talk about this breakthrough moment, why you need to take the plunge and launch your membership site, and how to authentically find your audience and bring them along with you.

Key Takeaways

  • How seeing a competitor offering an inferior product with a worse customer experience finally gave Sarah the inspiration to launch her business – and how she got over her anxiety and worry about the involved risk.
  • Why we’re afraid of losing more in trying and failing than never trying at all – and how to reframe what’s truly possible.
  • The key piece of advice that helped Sarah double her membership when her subscriptions started to level off.
  • Sarah’s advice for anyone thinking about launching their first membership site – and why she could never achieve her ultimate goals if she didn’t take the plunge from the very beginning.

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TRIBE membership guide

FREE Guide – Launch & Grow a Profitable Membership Site

Ready to reclaim your time and attract more monthly paying customers? Our step-by-step guide will show you how to build a membership site that turns your passion into recurring profit. Click here to download!

Memorable Quote

If I had waited until I had it all figured out and it was all perfect, I still wouldn’t have launched.” – Sarah Williams

Episode Resources

Framed by Sarah Framed by Sarah on Facebook Framed by Sarah on Instagram


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Shelli Varela

When you reframe your inner story, you reframe what’s possible. This is the mantra of our host, Shelli Varela who achieved incredible success, blazing a trail to become a fire captain, author, TED speaker, and host of The Yes Effect on Entrepreneur's list of 48 Best Podcasts for Entrepreneurs. Today, she uses the same approach to show people how to magnetize their message to achieve their dreams, and discover how they can make a BIGGER impact.

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