
Rick M


See how Alissa overcame her fear of failure by nurturing a close-knit membership Alissa Daire Nelson wanted to shift from a one-on-one coaching model to a one-to-many membership model for one simple reason: to help more people. But she was afraid her first launch might not achieve the numbers she had hoped for. It wasn’t until she made a crucial mindset switch that she faced her fears and successfully launched her membership community. Rather than…

3 Questions to Help You Find and Serve Your Market So you want to start a membership site? Awesome! Now… what do you do first? Typically, the first follow-up question is: do you have an audience, or not? In the beginning, your path to success depends on how you answer this question. If you don’t have an audience yet—and we all have to start there-there are a few things that you absolutely need to do…

And 3 Simple Questions You Need To Answer to Help Make Sense of Your Market It’s one of the first questions people have when they start thinking about launching a membership site: Will a membership work for my market? Well, that’s a good question—and one you probably want to figure out before you get started. So, how do you know whether your market is a good one for a membership site? How do you know…

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